Image from Karen Kingston, Clear Your Clutter
It wasn’t a resolution
It was a revolution
A mindset
A sudden, complete change
In my theme of Alignment, Abundance,and Adventure
I wanted more
Which meant I needed less.
I needed less of what didn’t serve me
I needed less of what dragged me down
I needed less of what reminded me of poor choices
I needed less of what was inactive
I needed less of what connected me to outdated, unused, and uninspired stuff.
My plan
Begin removing one more thing each day for the next 30 days.
On my first day I ripped through drawers and closets. I got rid of at least 30 things.
But now 10 days into this,
I approach a drawer, a closet, a shelf, a basket with the intent and action to remove that which is dead.
I am planting a fertile field and the first steps involve clearing the ground and improving the soil.
But it’s more than that.
It’s letting go of fear
Letting go of what’s known.
I want adventure.
I want to see what the new me is .
What I’ve held onto is, in the words of Lisa Nichols, so ’08.
I’ve mastered that part of my life. What’s new?
I like removing the inactive to activate the new.
What about you?
Will you be willing to remove one more thing from your house for the next 30 days?
Make Believe~Make Belief Affirmation: I can let go of what no longer serves me to allow that which is active and vibrant in.
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