If you think successful people lie, cheat and steal, you may be right, but it may not be what you think.
Successful people take responsibility for the images they create and the things they tell themselves.
Right out of the chute we each come with the greatest computer on the planet. As complex as our brains are, they are also very simple.
Our brain responds to the pictures we make and the words we tell it.
Imagine you’re expecting your spouse to come home when you hear the door open. You’ve made an picture in your mind and have told yourself you know who’s coming in and are happy. You’ve interpreted the sounds and made it mean something pleasant (or if you don’t like that person you create a whole different image and begin to feel stress.) This is simply because of the pictures in your mind and the words you’ve told yourself.
We do this all day long, mostly below our level of consciousness as we are often operating on default.
We tell ourselves all kinds of awful things and construct images in technicolor to support and cement our fears: ”
“I’m going to bomb this test. I’m terrified of this interview. I can’t cope because I’m anxious. My job is killing me. That woman will never talk to me.”
While we may not be able to control the thoughts that come into our head, we can control the language and the pictures and the meaning we give things.
Maris Peer, one of the most influential and internationally renown psychotherapists and hypnotists suggests we should
She says, we need to “lie to our minds, to cheat fear, so we can steal back our natural confidence.”
How do we lie to cheat fear?
When you are scared or excited your brain releases a cascade of hormones that are identical. What makes us feel scared versus excited is the story we tell ourselves. Our very words can change our fear to excitement.
What if instead of saying, “I’m terrified of this interview. I’m really nervous. ” You said, “I’m excited about this interview. I’m really thrilled.” This feeling in my stomach is excitement. ”
I’ve seen this happen with my clients who must undergo MRI’s. One woman had to reschedule her procedure 3 times despite getting anti- anxiety medication beforehand. Aside from being embarrassed and aggravated by the extra time she ‘d spent in failed attempts, she told me, “I can’t do it because,I feel like I’m going to die. I’m certain I’ll be trapped and everyone will leave me. I feel like it’s going to close in on me and crush me. ”
When I helped her realize she was creating the images and therefore controlling them as well as the words she was telling herself, she was willing to experiment. She told herself she was at a “spa,” and this was a” beauty treatment.” She pictured herself in a luxurious bed and focused on her breathing slowing it to the rate she remembered while being massaged. She told herself she was “comfortable and still.” She felt a burden lift when she easily completed her MRI and got her long awaited results.
“Cheating fear” has helped my clients who are undergoing radiation and chemo as well as the smaller issues like interviewing for a job.
What if you were willing to experiment with something small–like approaching a conversation with someone you’d like to meet? What if you told yourself, ” I’m interesting to talk to. I’m fun and funny.” What if you pictured yourself having an easy playful conversation?
Your thoughts are yours to have or to change and if you are not getting the outcome you desire you can ask yourself,
“What pictures am I making and what words am I using or telling myself to get the outcome I am getting?”
We know our thoughts control our feelings and our feelings control our actions and our actions create our results.
While there are many things that simply happen, what we make it mean, by the words we choose and the images we make,
will have radical differences in the outcomes of our experiences.
Will you be willing to LIE, CHEAT AND STEAL to find the confidence that’s your natural birthright?
Make Believe~Make Belief Affirmation: I choose only the words and pictures I want to create as my experience.
If you would like help in achieving this, please contact me to set up a session.
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