Tis the season..,
That’s right in the malls, at parties, on planes and airports
everywhere people are teeming with good cheer
Sharing hugs & Kisses
Blowing their noses, coughing and touching
Railings, bannisters, door handles, faucets, your credit card.
Touch, touch, touch, touch
Tis a terrible time for nail biters.
In the holiday frenzy you find yourself overwhelmed
Nail biting in overdrive?
Viruses, staph, strep are in abundance
Your immune system tends to be lowered—less sleep, more party, more alcohol, more stress
More stress
More nail biting
More of what everybody else has ends up in your mouth, your body.
But you know that. You’re smart. You’re successful. You’re accomplished
And this nail biting is kicking your ass.
You ask…
“How can I be so smart, so capable and be run by this weakness?”
It’s not your fault. It’s your faulty wiring.
That’s right. Your brain picked up this pattern of behavior, because at one point it worked for you. In fact, it was so good that your brain wrote the code and hard wired it to your neurology.
Your brain likes efficiency. Repeating Patterns.
But guess what?
You can upgrade your brain and install a new operating system—a new pattern program.
Let’s talk. I can help you literally install a new behavior pattern and stop biting your nails for good. And we can do it in 3 easy sessions.
Now that’s a New Year’s gift with purpose.
Are you ready?
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