It is New Year’s Eve.
A time to set goals. Right?

I am a goal writer & I have evidence the evidence to prove it. I’ve written goals for decades on hundreds of pieces of paper, wooden boards, white boards, sticky notes and virtually every surface that provides a place of transcription
I think goals are awesome. I like achieving them.
Yet in this moment, I don’t feel the usual buzz of excitement I get in contemplating a fresh start- a new beginning.
What I feel is resistance.
The Grinch of New Year’s Resolutions.
I’ve been feeling a lot of resistance lately.
Impatience for not achieving what I’d set out to do
Resistance to continuing to try.
But as of yesterday I came to a joyful place. It happened in my mouth of all places.
I’d been stressing over food. Wanting to eat more but Wanting to be free of the few nagging pounds that keep me from my GOAL weight.
I resisted the idea of eating less.
I resisted the idea of deprivation.
I resisted the idea of not having more.
And then I decided to want what I have.
Say what?
I decided to Want what I had and it started in my mouth.
I wanted pleasure and satiation and I had it.
In one conscious-eyes-closed timeless bite
I was Savoring it
Appreciating it
Wanting it and Having it
I became focused on what I had & I wanted what I had
I felt fulfilled
I was in the moment
appreciating & feeling sated
I was at peace
I ate less because I wanted less
I wanted WHAT I HAD
That got me thinking about BIGGER GOALS
Want what you have
To some it may sound like giving up or being stuck, stagnant, or resigned
Wanting what you have creates an inner yet active peace
A place of expansion
It is the absence of fear or anxiousness
It is allowance.
Allowance provides for more.
As you look at your goals
Begin with wanting what you have
As you begin there you begin with an abundant state that fuels and feeds your goals.
Recognize you are already along the way
What do you WANT that you HAVE?
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