What Will You Magnify?

What Will You Magnify?

  “You didn’t know me when I was hot.” I overheard a mother say to her daughter in the dressing room. I listened to the usual conversation girls and women have when looking in the mirror. “Oh God, I hate my stomach. I have so much cellulite. My thighs are huge. My...

What is the Value of an Incomplete Desire?

Today I asked myself the question What do you want–A desire that is complete or incomplete? I was stunned by my answer Incomplete Incompleteness has the energy of movement and attainment. Successive tiny completions along a spectrum of a goal and desire. Ironically,...

How Would Adding More Flexibility Change Your Life?

  How would more flexibility change your life? If Wounded Peacock’s your jam, then hooray for you. But, I’m talking about flexible thinking. I once worked with a man who had a precise 4-step routine to leave his house. If anything interrupted his routine, like someone...

Make Believe~Make Belief Monday

What’s Something You Love About Yourself? Or Like?  Ok, Maybe, Don’t Hate? “Everyone’s a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” (unknown author mistakenly attributed to Einstein) You’re a...

So, What’s Your Story?

“I want someone to tell me the truth,” my patient said as he sat at his kitchen table. He’d had a stroke in the right hemisphere of his brain. Right brain strokes cause disorientation in place and time. “What’s the truth you want,” I asked? “Everyone tells me I am...