by Tsgoyna | Aug 1, 2016 | Health Breasts, Personal Development
“You didn’t know me when I was hot.” I overheard a mother say to her daughter in the dressing room. I listened to the usual conversation girls and women have when looking in the mirror. “Oh God, I hate my stomach. I have so much cellulite. My thighs are huge. My...
by Tsgoyna | Jul 18, 2016 | Health Breasts
Today I asked myself the question What do you want–A desire that is complete or incomplete? I was stunned by my answer Incomplete Incompleteness has the energy of movement and attainment. Successive tiny completions along a spectrum of a goal and desire. Ironically,...
by Tsgoyna | Jul 10, 2016 | Health Breasts
On the occasion I lay down on the couch to watch T.V., it isn’t long before I am slumped, crumpled into a tight ball, deep asleep, with a little drool slipping from the corner of my mouth. I go down hard and fast. Then suddenly I’m startled awake. I am cramped and...
by Tsgoyna | Jul 4, 2016 | Health Breasts
How would more flexibility change your life? If Wounded Peacock’s your jam, then hooray for you. But, I’m talking about flexible thinking. I once worked with a man who had a precise 4-step routine to leave his house. If anything interrupted his routine, like someone...
by Tsgoyna | Jun 27, 2016 | Health Breasts
What’s Something You Love About Yourself? Or Like? Ok, Maybe, Don’t Hate? “Everyone’s a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” (unknown author mistakenly attributed to Einstein) You’re a...
by Tsgoyna | Jun 20, 2016 | Health Breasts
“I want someone to tell me the truth,” my patient said as he sat at his kitchen table. He’d had a stroke in the right hemisphere of his brain. Right brain strokes cause disorientation in place and time. “What’s the truth you want,” I asked? “Everyone tells me I am...
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