by Tsgoyna | Jul 31, 2017 | Health Breasts
I am at the doctor’s office filling out the standard paperwork. It’s been a year since my last mammogram. I scan the list of every horrendous ailment. “No,” I check to burning, itching, psychiatric disorders. “No” to cancer, diabetes, heart disease and enlarged...
by Tsgoyna | Mar 6, 2017 | Health Breasts
“I’m picking up good vibrations She’s giving me excitations…” Turns out the Beach Boys were on to something. Vibrational Energy Tones. In his book Power vs. Force, Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D, Ph.D, both a renown doctor of psychiatry and a doctor of spirituality,...
by Tsgoyna | Jan 30, 2017 | Health Breasts
If you think successful people lie, cheat and steal, you may be right, but it may not be what you think. Successful people take responsibility for the images they create and the things they tell themselves. Right out of the chute we each come with the greatest...
by Tsgoyna | Jan 23, 2017 | Health Breasts
Image from Karen Kingston, Clear Your Clutter It wasn’t a resolution It was a revolution A mindset A sudden, complete change In my theme of Alignment, Abundance,and Adventure I wanted more Which meant I needed less. I needed less of what didn’t serve me I needed...
by Tsgoyna | Dec 5, 2016 | Health Breasts
Are we there yet are we there yet?” This was the persistent refrain from the backseat of the blue Chevy impala with no air- conditioning, in August, where my sister, brother, grandmother and I sat, fought and slept for the three day, 1179 mile road trip between...
by Tsgoyna | Dec 1, 2016 | Health Breasts
Blue, Baby, Blue Not just a catchy song, but a common state of being. One of my clients recently lamented, “I always feel blue around the holidays.” How often have you, or someone else, said the very same thing? Anxiousness & Isolation are the primary...
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