How One 3-Letter Word Changes Everything.

  “I don’t know how.”   How often have I said this? Believed this? And made it the reason for not moving forward.   I don’t know how to do a website or market my material. I don’t know how to set up a financial portfolio. I don’t know how to make a trip to Africa...

Are You Where You’re Supposed to Be?

  It doesn’t matter where you are, as long as where you are, you’re eking out all you can.   That sounds nice as long as you’re in some cushy place with down pillows, 800 thread count sheets or lounging in the beauty and serenity of the ocean breeze with a frosty...

Diluting the Negative with the Positive

di·lu·tion  (dī-lo͞o′shən, dĭ-)  n. The process of making weaker or less concentrated.      The other day I was buying dog shampoo and noticed the ones I liked best were concentrated. They suggested a dilution ratio of 3: 1. Three parts water to one part solution....

Are You Able to Say “No!”

  My friend Jay-Jo had a 4-question acid test she used to make decisions:   Will it make me Smarter? Richer? Healthier? Or Sexier? If it didn’t pass the muster, it was a “NO.”   Saying “No” is a skill that can be acquired if it isn’t already deep in your DNA. As a...

Are You Willing to Channel Your Inner Olympian?

“I just went out and had some fun.” That’s what Simone Biles said after winning the Gold Medal. Her refrain has been repeated by winning athletes for as long as I can remember watching the Olympics. “Fun.” What a concept. Clearly an Olympian’s journey to Gold is not...
What Will You Magnify?

What Will You Magnify?

  “You didn’t know me when I was hot.” I overheard a mother say to her daughter in the dressing room. I listened to the usual conversation girls and women have when looking in the mirror. “Oh God, I hate my stomach. I have so much cellulite. My thighs are huge. My...