And the Award Goes To….?

With all the Hollywood buzz about the upcoming Oscars, I began to wonder what if our lives had annual awards. Would we notice our epic wins, our memorable and noteworthy dramas and comedies? Would there be a category for most valuable contribution to humanity? What...

What Are You Worrying About?

“Should I worry my son can’t say things like other children?” a mother asked me.   Pretty much all I heard was “Should I worry?”   I knew what she meant, but her question was “SHOULD I WORRY?”   We think worry is passive, but the truth is worry is like a brush fire...

How A Resource Anchor Keeps You Afloat

I popped open the lid of the shower gel and breathed in the scent.  Paris, 2004, The George V hotel. It was the scent of money and luxury, definitely pre-2008. It was a shower gel I’d taken as a souvenir from the hotel and now 12 years later, I was instantly...

Where Are Your Thoughts Taking You?

    “I just want  to be happy.” That’s a pretty common reply to the question, “What do you want in life?” So what is happiness? What causes it to be present and what causes it to flee? Is the problem with Happiness that we treat it like a noun, believing Happiness is...

What’s Your Theme for 2017?

    Theme parks. Party themes. Theme songs.     Are you catching the theme?   Themes are a way of organizing a big picture category, a vibe, a value, a guiding principle.   Disney chose the theme “The Happiest Place on Earth” and everything associated with this...

How Will You Cross the 2016 Finish Line?

    Have you ever noticed the best runners cross the finish line with a flourish? They save a burst for the end. They cross the line as winners. As we approach the finish line of 2016, do you find yourself looking at the goals you wanted to achieve while thinking or...