So, What’s Your Story?

“I want someone to tell me the truth,” my patient said as he sat at his kitchen table. He’d had a stroke in the right hemisphere of his brain. Right brain strokes cause disorientation in place and time. “What’s the truth you want,” I asked? “Everyone tells me I am...

Make Believe~Make Belief Monday

Do You Know Who You Are? “How old are you? The eight-year-old boy in the swimming pool asked Kevin, my nephew. “Five.” Said Kevin, “but I’m closer to eight.” ‘Duh, if you’re five, you’re not closer to eight.” the older boy scoffed. “Well, I’m closer to eight than I am...

Make Believe~Make Belief Monday

Happy Hour Isn’t a Time–It’s Place in your MIND “Happy Hour” has a complicated history of origin, but regardless of who and how (The French or the American Navy) there was a collective awareness that at a certain time of the day between 3-7 p.m. people are at the end...

Memorial Day Is NOT a Furniture Sale

( This is a 9 year old post.  My Uncle has since passed, but he returned to France for a 65th reunion) I am as guilty as anyone else—planning my barbecue and perusing the paper for the best furniture sales of the year.  It’s easy for me.  I’ve never felt the dread of...