What’s Your Theme for 2017?

    Theme parks. Party themes. Theme songs.     Are you catching the theme?   Themes are a way of organizing a big picture category, a vibe, a value, a guiding principle.   Disney chose the theme “The Happiest Place on Earth” and everything associated with this...

How Will You Cross the 2016 Finish Line?

    Have you ever noticed the best runners cross the finish line with a flourish? They save a burst for the end. They cross the line as winners. As we approach the finish line of 2016, do you find yourself looking at the goals you wanted to achieve while thinking or...

What Will You Put on Your Gift List?

  As we slam into the end of the year it seems we can’t avoid the bombardment of messages telling us to buy buy buy   Yet, by next year it’s likely whatever was bought this year will either be broken, out of fashion, not the Apple 8, or lost and forgotten. But there...

Are We There, Yet?

  Are we there yet are we there yet?”   This was the persistent refrain from the backseat of the blue Chevy impala with no air- conditioning, in August, where my sister, brother, grandmother and I sat, fought and slept for the three day, 1179 mile road trip between...

The Gift of Feeling Blue

Blue, Baby, Blue   Not just a catchy song, but a common state of being. One of my clients recently lamented, “I always feel blue around the holidays.” How often have you, or someone else, said the very same thing? Anxiousness & Isolation are the primary...