What’s in Your Shopping Cart of Life?

If you work around a hospital it doesn’t take long to realize not everyone gets their full 24 hours. People die. Years cut “short.’ That’s what we say, isn’t it, even when someone is 88 or 92. Yet each and everyday we wake up expecting our full 24 as if it’s an in...

What?  Now I have to exercise my Cingulate Gyrus? If your first reaction to that was, “Hey cool, what’s a cingulate gyrus?” read no further, you already did.  But if you looked at that and thought, “Why do I have to do that?   Why can’t I pronounce it?  Why do I feel...

  Oh My, My Amygdala’s on fire!  Tips for how to put it out. Well not really on fire, but that’s the part of the brain that’s triggered whenever you feel  or think a stressful thought. It’s the “Uh-oh” response that’s evolved from, “Uh-oh there’s a tiger in my cave”...